If you are new to the amusement industry, there’s no better way to study and understand it than by attending events throughout the year. Not only do you get a chance to network with existing operators, but you also get to learn from industry experts who have been in the trenches.

One of the best educational seminars in the industry is Amusement 360, hosted by our friends at Creative Works. Formerly known as LaserTAG360, the 3-day learning experience has been rebranded to include immersive attractions and content for the evolving needs of operators.
The February 2020 session is the first Amusement 360 seminar, so there’s much excitement in the air. Be warned, all the great information from the event is going to feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose.
To prepare you for the immersive learning experience, we put together a few tips to help you get the most out of the event:

As a last resort, you can ask them for their name again if you forgot. Just repeat the steps above, so you remember next time.
The vendor community is a pretty tight-knit bunch. Everyone seems to know everyone and is always willing to help so they can be an excellent resource for your project.
In the amusement industry, every thriving entertainment center is a few acquaintance links apart. It’s like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon—only different.

We can assure you that you’ll meet some fantastic people at Amusement 360. Whether it’s during the sessions or riding on the bus for site visits, you’ll want to have a few conversation starters in your back pocket beyond the “So, what do you do?” question.
Here are a few you can use:
- What are you most excited about these days?
- How did you hear about this event, and what made you decide to come?
- How long have you been in the industry?
The conversation can serve as a way to information you need or act as a building block for great friendships. Plus, you’ll likely be seeing the same people at future events down the road.
“Remember that a person’s name is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie.
If this is true, why are we terrible at remembering names?
Instead of accepting it, try improving your skills.
Start by creating a habit of repeating a person’s name and using it in a sentence. Doing so will force you to pay closer attention to the name in the first place.
You can also try creating a visual representation of the person’s name. For example, when you meet our team members, Geordyn and Shane, at their booth, picture Michael Jordan on a Plane
As with any event, a hashtag allows you to connect with and engage with other attendees on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. You can take pictures with other attendees since they make good social media content to share. Your customers will likely appreciate how you’re continuing your education to serve them better.
Here are examples of some of the tweets you’ll find on the #IAAPA hashtag to give you some inspiration.
One of the best ways to learn is by teaching someone else. If you go with a partner or colleagues, synthesize what you learned as a group to:
- Share key takeaways and
- What actions will you take?
After all, knowledge without application is useless. Applying what you have learned into real-world scenarios will give you the results that you can tribute to the seminar.
Hands down, the amusement industry is the best one there is, and it’s full of great people who are passionate about creating memories. By attending Amusement 360 and applying some of the tips, you’ll enhance your experience.
If you can’t make it to this session, here are a few more events throughout the year. We’re looking forward to seeing you there and welcoming you to this vibrant community.